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Find Suggested Sources
Luke Brewin (He/Him) avatar
Written by Luke Brewin (He/Him)
Updated over 7 years ago

When you visit the 'Discover' section you will now see an option to 'Find suggested sources':ย 

This will then take you to our database of RSS feeds, which are separated by industry:

By clicking on an industry, let's take technology for example, you'll be given the option to import the most popular RSS feeds within that industry straight to your 'Discover' channel:ย 

This means you'll no longer have to browse different websites to find amazing content to repurpose.
We are now in the process of building our source library with more and more of the best RSS feeds in each industry. If you would like any other specific industries added that are not already on the list, please let us know and we will add them to our list.ย 

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