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Share A Post
Luke Brewin avatar
Written by Luke Brewin
Updated over a week ago

3.1 Amped posts vs Regular posts
3.2 How do I know who has shared my post?
3.3 Internal engagement

3.1 Amped posts vs Regular posts

A regular post is only for internal use. Users can only comment and like within the SoAmpli platform so it's a great way of getting targeted information to your employees without having shared externally. A post can be identified as a regular post if it does not have a red rocket in the top left hand corner of the post.

For a post to leave SoAmpli and be presented externally it has to be amped (approved) by an admin or trusted user to make sure the content is on track and on brand. This can be done by clicking the 'amp it' button on the top right hand side of the post.

You will know that your post has been amped when the red 'amped' tag appears in the top left hand corner of the post. This approves it for external platforms.

To share amped posts externally, go to the bottom right corner of the post you want to share and click on the “Share This” button.

A menu at the bottom of the page will appear, displaying a choice of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Once you’ve selected the social channel you want to share to, you’ll be redirected to a preview of the post, that you can then edit to your preference.

Your selected post will now be shared on your personal Facebook, Instagram Twitter or Linkedin profile, according to your selection.

When you're ready to post, just hit share and you will see it appear on your selected social media channels.

3.2 How do I know who has shared my post?
Your notifications include information about who has shared your post. To access your notifications, select the bell-shaped icon at the bottom navigation panel.

3.3 Internal engagement
It is always good to compliment others when they’ve done a great job. Use the “Like" and “Comment” buttons to show your appreciation. These are visible at the bottom of each post. You can do this on internal posts that are not amped and are only shared within the SoAmpli platform - that way, every post can get some love!

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