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Channel Your Ideas
Luke Brewin avatar
Written by Luke Brewin
Updated over a week ago

5.1 What is a channel?
5.2 Create a channel
5.3 Posting in a channel
5.4 Follow/unfollow a channel

5.1 What is a channel?
Channels are dedicated dashboards where followers can post content regarding a specific matter and can be created by admins and trusted users. A channel can be dedicated to a specific department of a company, a specific event or online campaign. It gathers all content about a category in one place. This way, members don’t need to scan through the entire stream of content to locate what they are looking for.

5.2 Create a channel
Only admins and trusted users can create channels. To create a channel, click on the Channels icon in the bottom navigation panel.

You will be redirected to the “Channels” section. Once there, click on the “Create Channel” button on the top right hand corner of the screen.

A shortened version of the Channel form will appear. You can name and create your channel, but to activate it, edit it and invite people to it you will need to access the Channels section in the SoAmpli web platform.

5.3 Posting in a channel
Channels are mainly created for a specific purpose, to follow one particular subject, event or campaign. This allows you to focus your content search on exactly what you want to hear about. When content is posted in posted in a channel, it will be seen not only in that channel, but also in the main SoAmpli dashboard. Posts are seen in the main dashboard regardless of whether they have been posted in channel directly or assigned later to a channel.

When drafting your post in the SoAmpli app, you can select a specific channel.

The post will then appear in the stream of the selected channel.

5.4 Follow/unfollow a channel
To follow or unfollow a channel, click on the Channels icon in the bottom navigation panel.

In the All Channels section you can see all existing channels and manage which ones you want to follow or unfollow by clicking on the button for the selected channel on the right hand side.

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