On the SoAmpli platform, we differentiate between two kinds of 'Reach':
The Potential Reach- This is the number of people/connections that you could potentially reach based on the number of friends/connections/followers you have on a specific social media account attached to your SoAmpli profile.
The Average Reach- This is the number of people that, on average, a post shared through SoAmpli by a specific user reaches. To calculate a user's average reach, we analyse the shares created by a specific user and average the reach of these shares to give an idea of that user's expected reach per share.
Potential reach is used:
in the 'Statistics' tab, in all graphs relative to 'Reach'
- on any specific user's profile, in all graphs relative to 'Reach'. These can be found in the 'Statistics' tab by clicking on the user's name
in the 'Stats' for a specific post, under 'Overall Statistics'
Specifically, for each social channel the Potential Reach is calculated as follows:
1) Facebook: Reach is the number of people who can potentially see a post on Facebook, either being personal connections of the user who is sharing through SoAmpli, or followers of a specific Facebook company page.
2) Twitter: Reach is the total number of unique Twitter users that can potentially see a specific post tweeted through SoAmpli, being followers of the Twitter account the user is sharing to.
3) LinkedIn: Reach is the number of times an update can be potentially seen on LinkedIn by users, either because they are personal connections of the user who is sharing through SoAmpli, or followers of a specific LinkedIn company page.
4) Instagram: Reach is the total number of unique Instagram users that can potentially see a specific photo posted through SoAmpli, being followers of the Instagram account the user is sharing to.
Average Reach is used:
- in the 'Leaderboard', available in the 'Statistics' tab
at the top of a specific user's profile, which you can access through the drop-down menu in the top-right corner